May 3, 2024
Reduction of videos. Really too busy this time of year
to bother with making videos. No slow down on games being played. |
April 5, 2024
In the words and spirit of Davy Jones from the band
MONKEYS: "It's a little bit you and it's a little bit me
too." Sorry folks but I cannot handle ads. That's the reason we
started posting at RUMBLE due to too many ads at YouTube. But now
that RUMBLE is loading up the ads too...goodbye to you. |
November 30, 2023
With all due respect, I've had it with 'Constant Commercial
Interruptions' @ YouTube. SO started uploading our vids to Rumble.com
You'll begin to see their logo on our vids.
October 17, 2023
THEY'RE BACK! Thanks to member adddes2 Joe got
his hands on a new camera. Doesn't last the taping as the old one but
Joe loves it. New videos will get posted slower than the old days,
but still...... |
September 28, 2023
Found a very good system for other shooter play.
Actually, it's a good system for our own play too. See
it here. |
Sept. 16, 2023
If you
use our method to record your games, here's a link to the new spread sheet. |
August 28, 2023
Since Joe's camera broke and none of us support him
going back to videos (even tho he will, of course) the situation has
afforded most of us to be creative with this All Possible Dice Sets
Project. Few days ago Bruce, Jerry and Joe have begun posting a
play-by-play progress of our game plays WHEN we diverge from the play
rules. Those added posts are in the games .ODS files. Reason is that
they are too long (large) to fit in a graphic file. |
August 26, 2023
If you
use our method to record your games, here's a link to the new spread sheet.
I like the 10 game version, but 7 does make sense for size and fit.
You may view
here what a session looks like. |
August 15, 2023
is our latest link. You get confused with payouts, like Joe does
often? Here's the solution. Also posted on our Resourse page. |
July 4, 2023
I begun the process to transfer the GAMBITS
info from the yellow sheets to the website. Couple of days away from
the last video to be posted. Stopped videos back in May, camera
broke. No replacement yet. Games are being posted faster due to this
and, if you haven't noticed, Bruce and Jerry are racking them up (and
with various game plays) so maybe never get a camera again.
We'll see. |
June 4, 2023
I've begun the anxiously waited SEVEN
SETS page. Now that we're pretty much along the way in the All
Possible Dice Sets Project we can start to build such pages.
ABSOLUTELY NOT complete-a work in progress. |
May 31, 2023
My camera broke. I mention in yesterday's vid that the
camera and tripod fell. Well, it's thrash. Of course that won't stop
the games, however, a few games will never be on video. |
March. 12, 2023
As of now no more videos of games will be processed
and posted. The argument over their value has been determined to be
zero. YouTube has many games from many sources to afford stay-at-home
rollers all the action needed. We will return to our usual manner of
posting spread sheets of our All Possible
Dice Sets Project games and results.
Exceptional and unusual sessions will be video taped and processed
from time to time.
others, here's a good link for PAC members.
Jan. 31, 2023
Although everyone has a hand in the All Possible Dice
Sets Project it is spear headed by only Joe. Except for him no one at
all cares for the You Tube side of all this because it gives the
impression that that's all were about - and it's not at all. None of
us really wanted the word CRAPS even attached to our little troupe.
But here we are. And, just to complicate matters, we're all trying to
keep count of the Project's progress. Not an easy chore. For example;
according to a You Tube entry of Feb. 22, 2023 we shot 178 sets on 3
surfaces. Total number of sets in the Project are 576. However, first
off we shoot 4 surfaces but Joe seldom mentions the dirt court and
APPARENTLY those sessions are not included in Joe's count. In
fact, the count is for a dice set not all dice sets. Because
this project has 2,304 not 576 individual sets. That is 576 times 4
surfaces. So when we post that Joe rolled 178 (or any number of) sets
that post actually means a set has been rolled on any one of the
surfaces (usually the one in a You Tube Video) and may or may not
have been rolled on all 4 surfaces as of yet. |
Dec. 16,
We have spent the last 4 days racking our brains over
these new surfaces the casinos are installing. The conclusion is we
nor anyone else can throw to them without affecting a 100%
random outcome. Thus setting dice is useless. And so the view that
our All Possible Dice Sets Project is not reliable. However, our
mission statement has not changed .... This
is not a definitive authority about anything. Its sole purpose is to
afford enthusiasts injured or otherwise unable to play craps to 'play
along' while stuck at home or in hospital. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Moving forward there will be changes. Firstly, when
Jerry, Patty or Joe video their games they will not bother telling
you the winnings or will do so as an aside. Stats and comments will
remain on the spread sheets ONLY. Again the shooters can and may make
all the remarks they wish but can also forgo any. You are playing
your own games ALONG with us and our results are mute
anyway. The Project states that a specific target must be struck.
That will change soon - we're still not 100% sold on that yet. We
MIGHT also change the grip and throw, but (especially with Joe's game
action) that aspect of the Project may remain.
In short- we're returning to our original aim;
throwing dice so you can use the rolls for your own games at home. |
Dec. 10, 2022
For awhile a few PACer's (Play
Along Craps
followers) have been telling me - Joe - about the new Roll-2-Win
plastic surfaced tables popping up in all casinos. Until now I cared
not about them. It turns out you cannot take a dice setter's stance
at these tables and /very important/ the plastic surface is
covered in a thin rubber sheet that HAS TINY BUMPS ON IT. That's like
throwing to an alligator skin surface. Yikes! So I am actively
seeking to purchase a table and/or the rubber sheets. Any tips? -email
ELECTRONIC CRAPS TABLE [The Top 10 Pros & Cons] [Roll To Win Craps] |
Dec. 1, 2022
is now registered and active. |
Nov. 22,
2022 - Switch-O-Roo Good As Done
Posted this vid at JoePegasus Channel. |
Nov. 20,
2022 - Switch-O-Roo in Process
Been at it all day today and yesterday but have only
75 of 180 vids to go (at this very moment) switched over from from
@JoePegasus to @ PlayALongCraps...slow going. I haven't shot craps in
2 days, apparently I won't have time for another couple days. |
Nov. 16,
2022 - Live & Learn
Been with YouTube since it began but never knew it
takes 2 months before they allow massive uploads. Soooo y'all have to
wait till next year to "see" all the video at the new
channel @playalongcraps.
I will continue to post them at the Joe Pegasus channel but will
unlist them from view each day. You will need to come
here and see them for a spell. |
Nov. 15, 2022 - New
You Tube Channel
Joe has created another You Tube Channel so we don't
have to have Kid's story books and home remedies along with craps.
Eventually all craps' vids will be stored there.@playalongcraps |
Nov. 8,
2022 - Going Unlisted at YouTube Twitch
and Vimeo
Today I began process to unlist our vids. To view them
people need to visit here and click on the links. This move ought to
allow us more freedom, and ease. For example today I took down the
message on our home page saying we discourage gambling. That was put
there because "the public" that visited here MIGHT be
(besides nuts) assuming we are some kind of scam or just evil. But
from now on visitors should be just us injured dice throwers. We know
who we are and what we're looking for. |
Nov. 7,
2022 - Going Private
The long-lived battle over Joe's YouTube channel seems
to reach the conclusion many of us expected. We've had enough.
From YouTube's own analytics no one's watching anyway. As, mentioned
among all of us, this will free up hours of making the videos;
dressing them up for the public, etc. Joe still wants to produce them
so go ahead, but nothing fancy. This switch will also bring back a
sense of "Our Thing" which many felt was dwindling away. No
date is set yet, but it will happen. |
Oct. 9,
2022 - Change to Vocation
Notice anything different? After playing 9 zillion
games on 4 different surfaces (soft, hard, expansive and cement) the
conclusion (so far) is that we cannot rely on our results to advise
you who follow us as a guide to setting dice. Thus we are falling
back to our original calling: To offer games to play along with. The All
Possible Dice Sets Project will continue with less emphasis on
ways to win rather than numbers for you to play to.
Sept. 20,
2022 - Modified Numbers Page
The Numbers page now include
soft table results. |
Sept. 23,
2022 - New Numbers Page
In order to focus on the most numbers hit we have
divided the Numbers page into 2 different
pages. The Numbers page now shows only the very top numbers hit and
shows a link to the top numbers hit across all games. |
Sept. 18, 2022 - All Possible Dice Sets Project
In order to speed up the videos as well as shorten
them because they do take up a lot of room on our server, we have
extended the target from 1 inch by 3 inches to 3 inches by 6 inches. |
July. 2,
2022 - Change to News Page
Starting today, old news will not be deleted from this
(News) page. |