x1-3 Soft D
6 NO
3-1 x 1-3 Played on a Soft table on 2-1-23. So
horrible its not even worth telling you about this set. Thus
far Joe has rolled 179 dice sets on 3 surfaces soft, hard, and
street. There are 576 sets to roll in all. 397 more to go until the
All Possible Dice Sets Project is satisfied. Posted to the
website on 2-1-23 and scheduled to YouTube for 2-24-23. |

x1-4 Soft D
6 Risk 
3-1 x 1-4 Played on a Soft table on 2-3-23. This set makes you think
were playing ping-pong instead of craps. And carries all the
tension a fast paced ping-pong game has. Very big wins here along
with nasty pop-up sevens. There are 576 sets to roll in all. 396 more
to go on a soft table until the All Possible Dice Sets Project is
satisfied. Posted to the website on 2-3-23 and scheduled to
YouTube for 2-26-23. |

x1-5 Soft D
9 Risk 
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3-1 x 1-5 Played on a Soft table on 2-7-23. Over 1,600
chips won, 5 ATS in 66 rolls; 40 of the rolls are in one game alone.
Lots of hard 10s too. I sure loved this set, however, taking it
to a real casino is not the best idea ever. There are 576 sets to
roll in all. 395 more to go on a soft table until the All Possible
Dice Sets Project is satisfied. Posted to the website on 2-7-23
and scheduled to YouTube for 2-28-23.

x2-1 Soft D
8 Risk 
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3-1 x 2-1 Played on a Soft table on 2-8-23. A little
risky but super for middle hits.
There are 576 sets to roll in all. 394 more to go on a
soft table until the All Possible Dice Sets Project is
satisfied. Posted to the website on 2-8-23 and scheduled to
YouTube for 3-2-23. |

x 2-3 Soft D
8 Risk /Hardways 
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3-1 x 2-3 Played on a Soft table on 2-10-23. Usually
you can look over a set and see hard ways, not so here. This is a
risky set yet fun to roll. There are 576 sets to roll in all. 393
more to go on a soft table until the All Possible Dice Sets Project
is satisfied. Posted to the website on 2-10-23 and scheduled to
YouTube for 3-3-23. |

x 2-4 Soft D
5-6-7 NO 
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3-1 x 2-4 Played on a Soft table on 2-11-23. With all
the dice sets imaginable there just is not all that many worth
hanging on to. Ill rephrase that: There are very few worth
carrying around with you to a serious dice game. Heres one near
the top of the list.
There are 576 sets to roll in all. 392 more to go on a
soft table until the All Possible Dice Sets Project is
satisfied. Posted to the website on 2-11-23 and scheduled to
YouTube for 3-4-23. |

x 2-6 Soft D
7 NO 
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3-1 x 2-6 Played on a Soft table on 2-12-23. Much like
its sister set; With all the dice sets imaginable there just is not
all that many worth hanging on to. Ill rephrase that: There are
very few worth carrying around with you to a serious dice game.
Heres another one near the top of the list.
There are 576 sets to roll in all. 391 more to go on a
soft table until the All Possible Dice Sets Project is
satisfied. Posted to the website on 2-12-23 and scheduled to
YouTube for 3-5-23. |

x 3-1 Soft D
7 NO 
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3-1 x 3-1 Played on a Soft table on 2-12-23. A hard
way set thats above average hard ways but nothing to write home about.
There are 576 sets to roll in all. 390 more to go on a
soft table until the All Possible Dice Sets Project is
satisfied. Posted to the website on 2-12-23 and scheduled to
YouTube for 3-6-23. |

x 3-2 Soft D
6 Risk 
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3-1 x 3-2 Played on a Soft table on 2-13-23. A
traditional V set gets rolled and fills that
V-container with chips. This set makes you ignore your
money-management aims because of multiple hits and the hardways just
keep coming.
There are 576 sets to roll in all. 389 more to go on a
soft table until the All Possible Dice Sets Project is
satisfied. Posted to the website on 2-13-23 and scheduled to
YouTube for 3-7-23. |

x 3-5 Soft
D 8 NO
3-1 x 3-5 Played on a Soft table on 2-15-23. Jim tells
his brother Joe about a great fishing hole hes discovered.
Brags about it again the next day and so it goes for weeks on end.
Joe finally wants in on the action and visits the spot. He casts in
his line and waits. And waits. And waits. Thinking hes been had
he erupts in anger, SO WHERE ARE ALL THE FISH?!?!?!
Just then a trout sticks its head out of the water and asks,
Wheres your brother? The 3-1x3-5 V looks
enough like the 3-5 V to be its brother.
There are 576 sets to roll in all. 388 more to go on a
soft table until the All Possible Dice Sets Project is
satisfied. Posted to the website on 2-15-23 and scheduled to
YouTube for 3-8-23. |

x 3-6 Soft D
7 NO 
3-1 x 3-6 Played on a Soft table on 2-15-23. 18
minutes of frustration. Can you dodge the menance 7? Go ahead. Give
it a try.
There are 576 sets to roll in all. 387 more to go on a
soft table until the All Possible Dice Sets Project is
satisfied. Posted to the website on 2-15-23 and scheduled to
YouTube for 3-9-23. |

x 4-1 Soft D
3-1 x 4-1 Played on a Soft table on 2-17-23. Those
among us who enjoy dice and also live a reflective life style ought
to watch this session. It moves like an experience you tuck away in
your collection of fond memories. This is the first set of the
4-sub-sets and, hopefully, is a harbinger of things to come.
In this vid I mention about Jeff and Eds
intentions to invite players to an open table in Biloxi. Here is the
link to that vid. Biloxi
There are 576 sets to roll in all. 386 more to go on a
soft table until the All Possible Dice Sets Project is
satisfied. Posted to the website on 2-17-23 and scheduled to
YouTube for 3-10-23. |

x 4-2 Soft D
7 NO 
3-1 x 4-2 Played on a Soft table on 2-18-23. All the
4-sub-sets are, on their face, seven sets. If perfectly thrown
on-axis there is a 50% chance the result will be a 7. So when the
pervious set the 3-1x4-1 produced more 8s than
7s we cheered and crowed about it. I hoped the trend might
follow through the other 4-sub-sets. Never mind.
There are 576 sets to roll in all. 385 more to go on a
soft table until the All Possible Dice Sets Project is
satisfied. Posted to the website on 2-19-23 and scheduled to
YouTube for 3-12-23. |

x 4-5 Soft D
9 NO 
3-1 x 4-5 Played on a Soft table on 2-19-23. WILD! is
the best description for this set. Buckle up. Hold on tightly and get
ready for one whacky dice session.
There are 576 sets to roll in all. 384 more to go on a
soft table until the All Possible Dice Sets Project is
satisfied. Posted to the website on 2-19-23 and scheduled to
YouTube for 3-14-23. |

x 4-6 Soft D
7 7 YES 
3-1 x 4-6 Played on a Soft table on 2-20-23. Need a 7?
Heres the set for you.
There are 576 possible combinations of dice sets to
roll. 383 more to go on a soft table until the All Possible Dice Sets
Project is satisfied. This vid posted to the website on 2-20-23
and scheduled to YouTube for 3-16-23. |

x 5-1 Soft D 9 Watch
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3-1 x 5-1 Played on a Soft table on 2-21-23. We put
the 4-sub-set behind us with another interesting sub-set. If
youre the kind of player who enjoys dodging the 7 this set is
for you.
Heres the link mentioned in the video to
Mid-Atlantic Craps&ldots;https://youtu.be/zVSAvXYKJYA
There are 576 possible combinations of dice sets to
roll. 382 more to go on a soft table until the All Possible Dice Sets
Project is satisfied. This vid posted to the website on 2-21-23
and scheduled to YouTube for 3-18-23. |

x 5-3 Soft D 8&9 GOOD 
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3-1 x 5-3 Played on a Soft table on 2-22-23. This set
has long legs. Unfortunately craps is a game where longevity only
leads to your downfall. And the more leg it shows the more of a heel
youll end up as. Best play the wise man. Walk away while
shes still alluring and sexy &ldots; before its too late.
There are 576 possible combinations of dice sets to
roll. 381 more to go on a soft table until the All Possible Dice Sets
Project is satisfied. This vid posted to the website on 2-22-23
and scheduled to YouTube for 3-20-23. |

x 5-4 Soft D 6 Casino 
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3-1 x 5-4 Played at a Soft table on 2-23-23. A text
book Casino Set is like a mature, well adjusted and seasoned
individual. One who understands sevens are a necessary part of the
game; who doesnt fear when one is rolled. When secure in the
knowledge of how a craps game runs its course players can enjoy and
even value it as many have for thousands of years.
There are 576 possible combinations of dice sets to
roll. 380 more to go on a soft table until the All Possible Dice Sets
Project is satisfied. This vid posted to the website on 2-23-23
and scheduled to YouTube for 3-22-23. |

x 5-6 Soft D 6 in-out 
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3-1 x 5-6 Played at a Soft table on 2-24-23. Id
take any and all of the 5-sub-sets to a table near me; this being the
last of that sub-set. There are 576 possible combinations of dice
sets to roll. 379 more to go on a soft table until the All Possible
Dice Sets Project is satisfied. This vid posted to the website
on 2-24-23 and scheduled to YouTube for 3-24-23. |

x 6-2 Soft D 7&8 NO 
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3-1 x 6-2 Played at a Soft table on 2-24-23. We begin
the adventures that the 6-sub-set may hold. Lets hope the
remaining three sets are less the cliff hanger this one is.
There are 576 possible combinations of dice sets to
roll. 378 more to go on a soft table until the All Possible Dice Sets
Project is satisfied. This vid posted to the website on 2-25-23
and scheduled to YouTube for 3-26-23. |

x 6-3 Soft D 5 Good 
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3-1 x 6-3 Played at a Soft table on 2-26-23. WOW!
Thats all I can say. There are 576 possible combinations of
dice sets to roll. 377 more to go on a soft table until the All
Possible Dice Sets Project is satisfied. This vid posted to the
website on 2-26-23 and scheduled to YouTube for 3-28-23. |

x 6-4 Soft D 8
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3-1 x 6-4 Played at a Soft table on 3-2-23. This set
will forever stand in my mind as what everyone has always said about
the game of craps: Its the roll of the dice. It surely is.
There are 576 possible combinations of dice sets to roll. 376 more to
roll on a soft table until the All Possible Dice Sets Project is
satisfied. This vid posted to the website on 3-2-23 and
scheduled to YouTube for 3-30-23. |

x 6-5 Soft D 7
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3-1 x 6-5 Played at a Soft table on 3-5-23. This set
was called out by us way back at the turn of this century as the
worse set ever. It surely is to this day. There are 576
possible combinations of dice sets to roll. 375 more to roll on a
soft table until the All Possible Dice Sets Project is
satisfied. This vid posted to the website on 3-6-23 and
scheduled to YouTube for 4-1-23. |
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