You Tube
A seven set helps little Miss Molly rack up big wins
in this latest Play Along Craps our 23rd.
This vid posted to the website on 4-4-23
and scheduled to YouTube for 4-20-23. |

You Tube
Play Along Craps 24-Part One but dont be fooled
by the title. Both parts are separate videos. PAC-24 is a game with
54 rolls. At come-out Joe chooses a dice set to hit the number;
chosen from our NUMBERS page. This video is intense. But after it
ended, Joe realized he had more than just the NUMBERS page to choose
the sets from. Thus he started again and made Part 2. |

- 1-2/6-4 soft D 
Play Along Craps 25 at Soft Table played on July 31,
2024. 4 Roll Gambit. A Gambit is a device, action, or opening remark,
typically one entailing a degree of risk, that is calculated to gain
an advantage: "his resignation was a tactical gambit.
PAC-25 explores a gambit wherein we allow 4 rolls then we go home.
The session runs 13 games thus allowing our friends who follow the
All Possible Dice Sets Project to have extra rolls 45 in all
and for the PAC (Play Along Craps) crowd insight into this
fast and profitable strategy.

- Random soft D 
Play Along Craps 25 at Soft Table played on Winter
2025. Demostration of the Jar Craps game devised to sharpen throwing skills.