x 1-3 Hard D
8 NO 
2-6 x 1-3 Played on a hard table on 11-10-22. This is
a typical casino set. One of those you can watch everyday being
rolled at any casino on earth. Done in about 8 rolls, not good wins,
and totally unpredictable. If youre one of those people who had
the opposite sex chase you, had a wonderful family, lived into your
80s, had money coming out of your ears then this kind of set is for
you - youll win! For the rest of us&ldots;walk a wide path
around this set. |

x 1-3 Soft D
9 NO 
2-6 x 1-3 Played on a soft table on 11-14-22. Ditto
what I said about this set on a hard table&ldots;its a loser.
Perhaps even more of a loser than the hard because here I rolled 8
sevens over 5 games; while the hard table produced 5. Luckily the
chip losses werent as bad. Still this is a bad set. Scheduled
at YouTube for 12-7-22 |

x 1-4 Hard D
6 & 9 Good 
2-6 x 1-4 Played on a hard table on 11-11-22. A good
set that can frustrate. If you could squeeze a few more hard ways
from it and hold off those surprise sevens this set would be very
enjoyable. As it is the set made 1 out of 3 possible ATSs and
allows all the place numbers over and over - good for pressing.
Scheduled at YouTube for 12-1-22 |

x 1-4 Soft D
H6 Super 
2-6 x 1-4 Played on a soft table on 11-15-22.
Yall have got to watch this video! 5 games, 117 rolls, 19 hard
ways, 2 ATSs; game 5 ran a monster 66 tosses, and is one
of the best front line games ever. Atop that we walk home with 1,465
chips. Posted immediately to YouTube on 11-16-22 |

x 1-5 Hard
D 6 Very
2-6 x 1-5 Played on a hard table on 11-12-22. Without
doubt this 1-5 sub-set blows the other 3 away (1-2, 1-3,-1-4). And
makes folly of most of the dice sets we have thrown in the All
Possible Dice Sets Project thus far. The 4 and 8 hard ways exceed
expected results. Pressing the 6 and 8 assure rewards. Joe rolled 1
ATS of a possible 5 and the bank stood at $1,350 after 89 rolls. Just
doesnt get much better than this when playing a low wager iron
cross on a hard table. were looking forward to tossing this set
on a soft table. Scheduled at YouTube for 12-3-22 |

x 1-5 soft
D 6 Good

2-6 x 1-5 Played on a soft table on 11-17-22. With great expectations
this set fell flat. Actually, not terrible. Rolled 18 sixes, 16
eights of a 90 rolled session of five games. But not anything
to write home about either. |

x 2-1 Hard D
2-6 x 2-1 Played on a hard table on 12-4-22. This set
falls under the category of a basic casino set. Low repeat hits, low
hard ways, only hard way was a 6. Low winnings and the 7 shows
up within 9 rolls of the dice with few exceptions. Posted immediately
to the website and scheduled at YouTube for 12-11-22 |

x 2-1 soft

2-6 x 2-1 Played on a soft table on 11-18-22. There
are 576 possible dice sets. Joe will shoot each on 3 surfaces; 1)
Soft, 2) Hard and 3) on a street court of cement and brick for a
total of 1,728 sessions - roughly a total of 10,368 games. Not all of
those 576 sets will be outstanding or memorable. This set falls under
the category of a basic casino set. Low repeat hits, low hard ways,
low winnings and the 7 shows up within 9 rolls of the dice. Posted
immediately to YouTube on 11-18-22 |

x 2-3 Hard
D 7 For
2-6 x 2-3 Played on a hard table on 12-3-22. Talk
about opposites! On a soft table this set proved to be outstanding.
Here? Not at all. Posted at website December third and scheduled at
YouTube December 9, 2022. |

x 2-3 soft D

2-6 x 2-3 Played on a soft table on 11-23-22. A plain
and simple: WOW! 5 ATS - they just kept coming. 12 hard ways out of
94 rolls is over 12% hard ways. Good HOPS. Low 7s and the games
were quick and fun. Im looking forward to throwing this set on
a hard table.Posted at the website on 11/25/22 and at YouTube on 11/26/22 |

x 2-4 Hard D
8 OK

2-6 x 2-4 Played on a hard table on 12-5-22. This set
on a soft table looks grand and Joe hypes it throughout this vid.
However, if not for the 3 ATS, that set would be just so-so. Its
not bad across a hard surface either. Posted immediately to the
website and scheduled at YouTube for 12-13-22 |

x 2-4 soft

2-6 x 2-3 Played on a soft table on 11-23-22. A plain
and simple: WOW! 5 ATS - they just kept coming. 12 hard ways out of
94 rolls is over 12% hard ways. Good HOPS. Low 7s and the games
were quick and fun. Im looking forward to throwing this set on
a hard table.Posted at the website on 11/25/22 and at YouTube on 11/26/22 |

x 2-6 Hard D
8 Place Set

2-6 x 2-6 Played on a hard table on 12-5-22. Very good
set for inside hits with enough outside and field hits to spare. Got
one of at least 4 possible ATS which means one less 7 here or there
would had made it. And that would only added to the 1,170 bankroll
Joe finished the 5 game session with. And there were only 6 sevens
thrown across 5 games. However beware, this set never thew a 12
during its 90 rolls. Posted immediately to the website
playalongcraps.com and scheduled at YouTube for 12-15-22 |

x 2-6 soft
D 5 NO

2-6 x 2-6 Played on a soft table on 11-26-22. Good for
a press and if you can hit big with an ATS or two or strike the hard
ways then this set is for you. Otherwise its not. Posted at the
website on 11/27/22 and at YouTube on 11-30-22 |

x 3-1 Hard D
8 No

2-6 x 3-1 Played on a hard table on 12-6-22. If you
thought this set looked boring on a soft table wait til you watch
this pathetic excuse for a dice set on hard table. Posted immediately
to the website playalongcraps.com and scheduled at YouTube for 12-17-22 |

x 3-1 soft D
6 Good

2-6 x 3-1 Played on a soft table on 11-27-22. Begins
our foray into the 3 sub-set. This set shoots low hard ways and just
cant get a 3 or a 12 to save itself. Got only one 2. But it
makes plenty of hits to place numbers. The session ended with over
800 chips. Still its not a high roller 61 rolls in all
and probably the most boring session ever. its a casino
set. Posted at the website on November 28. Scheuled to YouTube on
December 1, 2022 |

x 3-2 Hard D
9 OK 
2-6 x 3-2 Played on a hard table on 12-7-22. Oh, my!
this set on a soft table came as a lucrative winner yet got
blind-sided by the 7. Here on the hard surface its not exactly
lucrative but got kick around and clobbered by the 7. What does
redeem this set here is the place hits. Posted immediately to the
website playalongcraps.com and scheduled at YouTube for 12-9-22. Had
to delete file from u-tube due to soundtrack and re-publish on the
9th of December. |

x 3-2 soft D
8 Tricky 
2-6 x 3-2 Played on a soft table on 11-28-22.
Yall enjoy this vid, it may be a sign of things to come around
our tables&ldots;or at least in the vids. This is a light hearted,
fun session. The 3 subsets (so far) tend to hit place numbers.
Thats good for pressing. 13% hard ways, big wins, 3 ATS but
also 13.7% of 7s. Sound tricky? Well, our carnival barker Mr.
Pegasus takes us for a ride as we all play along&ldots;.with the
joker. Posted at website November 29, 2022 scheduled at YouTube
December 3, 2022. |

x 3-5 Hard D
2-6 x 3-5 Played on a hard table on 12-8-22. This set
made my head spin with ATS&ldots; one after another; I got 4 of them!
Good very good winnings. 7 hard ways of 69 rolls.
Posted immediately to the website playalongcraps.com and scheduled at
YouTube for 12-18-22 |

x 3-5 soft D
8 Careful 
2-6 x 3-5 Played on a soft table on 11-30-22. All
inside numbers and fair share of 4s and 10s with 9 being
dominant, but just one too many 7s. Posted at website
November 30, 2022 scheduled at YouTube December 5, 2022. |

x 3-6 Hard D
5 Good 
2-6 x 3-6 Played on a hard table on 12-9-22. I talk
this set down unjustifiably so all through the vid but Im
wrong. This is a very good set. Good indication is the amount of
7s thrown only one for each game. I overlooked the ATS;
got one of possible 3. And notice the high amount of place numbers
hit. This is a good set even with the 2 low-roll games. Posted
immediately to the website on 12-10-22 and scheduled at YouTube for 12-20-22 |

x 3-6 soft D
11 Pop 7 
2-6 x 3-6 Played on a soft table on 12-1-22. In the
world of dice sets this 2-6x3-6 handles nicely, gives a smooth and
moving game. Shes interesting because of the appearance of Yo
eleven and the four -both easy and hard. Hit 2 and 12 only once in 48
rolls thats text book. Only 3 hard ways. So as
interesting as she may be shes also not trust worthy as
far as dice sets go; the seven pops up just when you least expect her
to do so. Posted at website December first and scheduled at
YouTube December 7, 2022. |

x 4-1 Hard D
8 No 
2-6 x 4-1 Played on a hard table on 12-10-22. Begins
our foray into the 4-sub-sets. It feels less that we attack enemy
territory than beating ourselves with a baseball bat. To be short and
blunt, this set is worthless unless redeemed when we throw it at the
soft table. Posted immediately to the website on 12-10-22 and
scheduled at YouTube for 12-21-22 |

x 4-1 Soft D
4-7-8-10 No 
2-6 x 4-1 Played at a soft table on 1-15-23. Back to
complete the 2-6 base sets; all on soft tables. After this well
have 11 left to roll. Probably all better t han this set. Hopefully.
Posted at the website on 1-15-23 and scheduled for You Tube on 1-29-23. |

x 4-2 Hard D
7 No 
2-6 x 4-2 Played on a hard table on 12-11-22. Got to
say: If the 4-sub-sets continue as they began then shooting all these
sets is all shilly-shally a waste of time. Too many 7s
and low rolls. Posted immediately to the website playalongcraps.com
and scheduled at YouTube for 12-23-22
In other news I am trying to find and purchase the
surface material found on the ROLL TO WIN craps tables that are
popping up in all casinos. https://youtu.be/E21FkyesOo8 HYBRID
ELECTRONIC CRAPS TABLE [The Top 10 Pros & Cons] [Roll To Win Craps] |

x 4-2 Soft D
6 OK 
2-6 x 4-2 Played at a soft table on 1-16-23.
Heres a set that makes you wonder out loud like talking
to yourself saying things like does she or doesnt she.
Yes, she does. No she dont. Am I crazy ot what? Posted at
the website on 1-16-23 and scheduled for You Tube on 1-31-23. |

x 4-5 Hard D
6 Very GOOD 
2-6 x 4-5 Played on a hard table on 12-16-22. Joe
bemoans too often and too loud. As weve been discussing with
you at the website, and here, and online it seems to those in
Joes camp believe the new bumpy surfaces popping up in casinos
is the death knell for dice control. Joes heavy into that
thing. So were adjusting the way we conduct the All Possible
Dice Sets Project. Adjusting it so that we abandon the dice control
aspect to it. Some agree. Some dont.
This session of 6 games of the 2-6x4-5 dice set is the
first go at making whatever transition we will go through in light of
how craps in casinos will proceed. If you have been a long time
follower of ours known fondly as PACers you
recall the olds days when Joe would toss dice willy-nilly across many
surfaces. All of us would come up with spread sheets of real and
imaginary craps games. Joe always had that Dice Control philosophy
but no one took it seriously. We just wanted to throw dice. If you
recall those days, this video will bring you back. Yes, no one is
ditching our aim to find what sets throw what numbers. But if Joe
sounds, in this video, that Oh my, dice will never again ever
be able to be controlled! Dont fret. Once we get him this
new kind of table surface, youll see, hell figure a
way&ldots;if there is any. But the format of this video may very well
be the future for Play Along Videos.
This video was posted to the website on December 16,
and scheduled at YouTube for Christmas day. |

x 4-5 Soft D
2-6 x 4-5 Played at a soft table on 1-17-23. Let me
introduce you to Mr. Wonderful. Posted at the website on
1-18-23 and scheduled for You Tube on 2-2-23.
Roll on Garage Table here. |

x 4-5 Hard D
6 Good but tricky 
2-6 x 4-6 Played on a hard table on 12-17-22. The last of the
4-sub-sets and just as good as the others. Maybe even better. This
set on this hard table had smooth action with very good
middle place hits. Little weak on the 8s but compensated by the
9s. Not to be over looked are 4 ATS; game 4 had 3 alone. Posted
at the website on 12-18-22 playalongcraps.com and scheduled at
YouTube for 12-27-22 |

x 4-5 Hard D
10 NO 
2-6 x 4-6 Played at a soft table on 1-18-23. A bit of Hollywood
trivia: W.C. Fields, born in Philadelphia, used to make fun of his
birthplace as a staid and boring place by threatening to have the
line, All things considered, Id rather be in
Philadelphia, as the epitaph on his gravestone. That threat was
never carried out, however, this little historical gem comes to mind
after playing the 2-6x4-6 dice set. Posted at the website on 1-19-23
and scheduled for You Tube on 2-4-23. |

x 5-1 Hard D
5 & 7 Dangerous 
2-6 x 5-1 Played on a hard table on 12-19-22. This set begins our
5-sub-sets; doing so with a dangerous bang. The first 3 games of the
6 game session afforded 3 ATSs. Joe rolled 2. Then the games
all slide downhill. This is the second set which follows the new
format aimed to please PACers (Play Along Craps followers) while
satisfying those who follow the Project. Thus far (not including
Jerry or Pattys games) Joe has rolled 166 dice sets on 3
surfaces soft, hard, and street. There are 576 sets to roll in
all. 410 more to go until the All Possible Dice Sets Project is
complete. Posted at the website on 12-21-22 playalongcraps.com and
scheduled at YouTube for 12-29-22 |

x 5-1 Soft D
6 & 7 Many 7's 
2-6 x 5-1 Played on a soft table on 1-19-23. One of those sets that
throws bunch of numbers &ldots; and a bunch of sevens too. Posted to
the website on 1-19-23 and scheduled to YouTube for 2-6-23 |

x 5-3 Hard D
7 No 
2-6 x 5-3 Played on a hard table on 12-21-22. No hard ways. No ATS.
Lots of PSO. Thus far (not including Jerry or Pattys
games) Joe has rolled 167 dice sets on 3 surfaces soft,
hard, and street. There are 576 sets to roll in all. 409 more to go
until the All Possible Dice Sets Project is satisfied. Posted at the
website on 12-21-22 playalongcraps.com and scheduled at YouTube for 12-31-22 |

x 5-3 Soft D
5&7 No 
2-6 x 5-3 Played on a soft table on 1-19-23. You have to expect a
whole bunch of terrible dice sets out of 587 sets, right? Yep,
heres another one. Doesnt matter the surface. Posted to
the website on 1-19-23 and scheduled to YouTube for 2-8-23 |

x 5-4 Hard D
5 & 7 NO 
2-6 x 5-4 Played on a hard table on 12-22-22. One hard ways. No ATS.
Lots of PSO. I dont like the 5-sub-sets much. Thus far
(not including Jerry or Pattys games) Joe has rolled 168
dice sets on 3 surfaces soft, hard, and street. There are 576
sets to roll in all. 408 more to go until the All Possible Dice Sets
Project is satisfied. Posted at the website on 12-22-22
playalongcraps.com and scheduled at YouTube for 1-1-23 |

x 5-4 Soft D
9 Need SUP 
2-6 x 5-4 Played on a soft table on 1-21-23. Completely undetermined
if such a set could be. This needs a supplemental session. Posted to
the website on 1-21-23 and scheduled to YouTube for 2-10-23 |

x 5-6 Hard D
5 NO 
2-6 x 5-6 Played on a hard table on 12-23-22. Thus far Joe has rolled
169 dice sets on 3 surfaces soft, hard, and street. There are
576 sets to roll in all. 407 more to go until the All Possible Dice
Sets Project is satisfied. And I hope everyone of them is better than
this set. Posted at the website on 12-22-22 playalongcraps.com and
scheduled at YouTube for 1-3-23 |

x 5-6 Soft D
7 No 
2-6 x 5-6 Played on a Soft table on 1-22-23. A delightful better than
average casino set but just as tricky. On a soft table, if you gamble
hard then regress fast and low, perhaps even down to zero this set
will bring great fortune, Or maybe not. Posted to the website on
1-22-23 and scheduled to YouTube for 2-12-23 |

x 6-2 Hard D
7 NO 
2-6 x 6-2 Played on a hard table on 12-24-22. CRAPS! IS IT ME? One
would think once we finished with the 5-sub-sets it also would be the
end of sessions that read PSO followed by and so-so games
followed by PSO followed by a so-so game. All riddled with sixes and
no hard ways. Ya think? But witness this set, the first of the
6-sub-sets: Same old.
Thus far Joe has rolled 170 dice sets on 3 surfaces soft,
hard, and street. There are 576 sets to roll in all. 406 more to go
until the All Possible Dice Sets Project is satisfied. And I hope
everyone of them is better than this set. Posted at the website on
12-25-22 playalongcraps.com and scheduled at YouTube for 1-5-23 |

x 6-2 Soft D
8&9 No 
2-6 x 6-2 Played on a Soft table on 1-23-23. This set likes to hit
all numbers. Because it cant seem to hit any of them twice
except for the 8 and 9. Posted to the website on 1-23-23 and
scheduled to YouTube for 2-14-23. |

x 6-3 Hard D
7 NO 
2-6 x 6-3 Played on a hard table on 12-25-22. Its like pulling
teeth, I tell ya. This set reminds me of how the 5-sub-sets ran.
Fives and sevens over and over.
Thus far Joe has rolled 171 dice sets on 3 surfaces soft,
hard, and street. There are 576 sets to roll in all. 405 more to go
until the All Possible Dice Sets Project is satisfied. Posted at the
website on 12-25-22 playalongcraps.com and scheduled at YouTube for 1-7-23 |

x 6-3 Soft D
8&9 No 
here ad free till 2-16-23
2-6 x 6-3 Played on a Soft table on 1-24-23. This set on a hard table
wasnt really bad; just not all that good. Here, on a soft table
it began like the hard table but then took a turn for the good. 13
hard ways thats 13% of 75 rolls when youd expect 7
to 9%. All numbers were hit leading to an ATS of a potential 3. Best
is you walk away after an interesting and fun 5 game session with a
bundle of chips. Posted to the website on 1-25-23 and scheduled to
YouTube for 2-16-23. A |

x 6-4 Hard D
7 NO
2-6 x 6-4 Played on a hard table on 12-26-22. Akin to old time ships
that come into the dulldromes, we have entered a string of games
&ldots; sessions even &ldots; where nothing of any value happens.
Thus far Joe has rolled 172 dice sets on 3 surfaces soft,
hard, and street. There are 576 sets to roll in all. 404 more to go
until the All Possible Dice Sets Project is satisfied. Posted at the
website on 12-26-22 playalongcraps.com and scheduled at YouTube for 1-9-23 |

x 6-4 Soft D
6 Risk No 
2-6 x 6-4 Played on a Soft table on 1-25-23. Youd think a set
that throws 11 sixes and 10 eights and six hard ways out of 58 tosses
and gains 248 chips to walk home with, that sounds like a GREAT set,
right? Presonally, I dont think so because it produced 7 sevens
all at the wrong time. Posted to the website on 1-29-23 and scheduled
to YouTube for 2-18-23.

x 6-5 Hard D 5
& 9 Pot Luck
2-6 x 6-5 Played on a hard table on 12-30-22. Good riddance to the
6-sub-sets and good-bye to the 2-6 base dice sets on a hard surface.
Yes, we still need to roll them on concrete, dirt and soft surfaces,
but this leg is behind us. We do not count these last surfaces
in the overall count. Thus when I tell you we have thrown 173 dice
sets that is the number thrown to only a hard surface. So that
statement means we (our shooters) actually rolled 692 sets. Although
we have 3 active shooters, Joe is the one shooter who gets to shoot
all sets on a hard surface. We base our count on his progress because
of this. Thus far Joe has rolled 173 dice sets on 3 surfaces
soft, hard, and street. There are 576 sets to roll in all. 403 more
to go until the All Possible Dice Sets Project is satisfied. This set
has been posted at the website on 1-1-23 playalongcraps.com and
scheduled at YouTube for 1-11-23 |

x 6-5 Soft
D 6 Very Good 
2-6 x 6-5 Played on a Soft table on 1-28-23. With this we end the
6-sub-sets as well as the 2-6 base sets. 24 sets played on soft
table, 24 sets played on hard, 24 played on cement and 24 played on
dirt. Of the 96 games only 7 showed differences among the surfaces as
far as hit numbers resulting from tosses. This set in this vid is
exciting and interesting, if just a tad scary for the sevens. Very
big wins: it nets 1,456 chips; 3 ATS, good inside hits. Not that good
at hard shots, 6 hard ways out of 78 rolls. Thats just under
8%. Posted to the website on 1-30-23 and scheduled to YouTube for 2-20-23. |
More will come as more are played. |
All Possible Dice Sets
Project Videos Click here |
Play Along Craps Videos Click here |