






2-3 x 2-4 Played on hard table on 8-17-22
A semi-seven set that hits you with sevens. Due to
that I play an extra game throwing the set that comes up, using the
pinky toss.
Posted @ YouTube on Aug 20, 2022 |

2-3 x 2-6 Played on hard table on 8-18-22-A lot of
work for little compensation. But you still go home with cab fare.
Posted @ YouTube onAug 21, 2022 |

2-3 x 3-1 Played on hard table on 8-18-22-Lots of
hits. Lots of money even an ATS. Just watch out for that nasty
7. Posted @ YouTube on 8-23-22 |

2-3 x 3-2 Played on hard table on 8-19-22 -Although
the 3 subsets have left some money in your pockets, they are
proving to throw more sevens than any other number. Play at your own
risk. Posted @ YouTube on 8-22-22 |

2-3 x 3-5 Played at hard table on 8-20-22 -The 3
subsets have shown time and again to be a hidden seven set. Up until
this set it left you some money and, at least, a couple of hard ways.
This time youre broke, and you did so the hard way.
Posted @ YouTube on 8-24-22 |

2-3x3-6 Played on hard table on 8-21-22 The worse of
the 2-3x3-? subsets.
Posted @ YouTube on 8-25-22 |

2-3x4-1 Played on a hard table on 8-22-22
Talk about feast or famine, rain or shine, up or
down, in or out? Here it is all wrapped up in one dice set. This set
(on a hard table) yields lots of various numbers good for ATS
and pressing. Average hard waysexpected 8/10 : 1 hard ways. What is
risky is that it yields plenty of sevens too.
Posted on YouTube 8-26-22 |

2.3 x 4.2 Hard Table played on 8-24-22
If you can find an empty table this set holds a
lot of promise when playing a string of games.
Posteedd @ YouTube on 8-27-22 |

2.3 x 4.5 Hard Table. Played on 8-26-22
Kind of dice set that get better all the time.
Posted @ You Tube on 8-28-22 |

2.3 x 4.6 Played at a hard table on 8-27-22. The dice
subsets of 4-? have been sterling for the 2-3x4-? sets. Even the
exception, the 2-3x4-1 which earned lots of money but produced so
many sevens, all the rest are excellent sets for earnings, ATSs,
pressing, hops and Hard ways. This set the 2-3x4-6 not so
much so. But you still go home with money in your pocket feeling
aglow from the excitement this sets affords. Posted @ YouTube on 8-29-22 |

2.3 x 5.1 Played at a hard table on 8-28-22.
Talk about torture; I was glad when I rolled the final
7 in this 6 game session. Posted @ YouTube on 8-30-22 |

2.3 x 5.3 Played at a hard table on 8-28-22.
A good winning set with lots of numbers, especially
inside. Unfortunately it can back-stab you with an occasional 7.
Those sneaky 7s also kill your chances for an ATS. But after
all is said and done having a pocket filled with winnings can soothe
the 7s issue. Posted @ YouTube on 8-31-22 |

2.3 x 5.4 Played at a hard table on 8-29-22. A good
winning set with lots of numbers, especially inside. Akin to the
other 5-? subsets this set yields incremental wins that add up. Like
saving a penny each day that you make it through another day of your
life; so your doctors will be glad to see you one last time at the
end. ..or something like that; compounded daily. Posted to YouTube on 9-2-22 |

2.3 x 5.6 Played at a hard table on 8-30-22 All the
5-? subsets have shown the more you play the more you earn. This 5-4
set yields ATSs more than the others. Posted to YouTube on 9-4-22 |

2.3 x 6.2 Played at a hard table
on 8-31-22. The first of the 2-3x 6- sub-sets. Its a given not
to chase money on a craps table; rarely succeeds if ever. This set
proves it. Good moving, but is more akin to an easy morning cup of
coffee rather than a carnival ride. However, for our gang
(The Play Along Craps players among us) here are 7 games to enjoy.
Posted to YouTube on 9-6-22 |

2.3 x 6.3 Played at a hard table on 9-1-22. The second
dice set in the 2-3x6 subset and, man-o-man, it stinks; not
that the first (the 2-3x6-2 set) was much better. Posted to YouTube
on 9-8-22 |

2.3 x 6.4 Played at a hard table on 9-2-22. Its
difficult for me to recommend a dice set which throws random and
several 7s as this one does. Fortunately for my game the most
sevens were winners, but whos to say theyll be winners
next time or for your game? This set offers hits to all the place
bets, and does hit craps 2 and 12 but across our 5 games they hit
only once.
Posted to YouTube on 9-10-22 |

2.3 x 6.5 Played at a hard table on 9-3-22. The Bible
states in Proverbs: The art is not in making money, but in
keeping it. This dice set (along with its cousin the 2-3x5-6)
are, by nature, sets that increase your wealth the more you play on a
hard table. Then wise guy Joe decides to push his luck. In so doing
he proves himself less the artist his reputation claims. Posted to
YouTube on 9-12-22 |
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All Possible Dice Sets Project |