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THE KISS sequence |
Not doing frames anymore or for now. Doing panels because of all the animation. Will post links ehre instead of frames. _________________________________________________________________________________________ MEETING sequence Page MEET-WORK.bmp : the conclusion to the KISS sequence and start of MEETING sequence. Frm 1 - lovers coming at each other before a large opening. Outside stand everyone involved with the next sequence: Frn 2 - Lord Cuddles pops up into frm 1. STOP STOP STOPPEDAll this kissy-huggy nonsense! Theres more important stuff on Pearl Green planet than kissy-huggy. Divder tween Frm 2 and Frm 3 holds captionL LIKE WHAT? Frm 3 - Cuddles steps aside to show standing right outside is Nodaq. Like whats standing right outside.
THE REUNION (Not sure to insert this before the KISS sequence or leave here. If leave here Banner: JUST 15 MINUTES AGO&ldots;.
WE return to when everyone is escaping. Frm 1- tag: Just before breakfast &ldots; Show a dawn taken from frm 1 of the MEETING. Draw a typical comic book pan from the Pearl Tower. Bubble: SO WE MEET AT LAST, EVIL NODAQ. Bubble: SO GLAD YOU GUYS CAME. YOURE JUST IN TIME TO BE MY BREAKFAST.
Posted KISS sequence. This will KISS sequence will continue along with the BATTLE. MEETING sequence has been altered and morphed into BATTLE. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2022.......... I started to deveolp panels and drop the page sequences. First panels began at THE BATTLE. Patrick wants more animation. He is pressing for CGI. A bit above my pay grade but I sure like CGI. Anyone have the programs for CGI? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I posted the panels for the begining of BATTLE. Working on the porch scene. Stuck on the dialog tween queen and Feefee. IDEAS PLEASE!
Regarding the idea to create theme music. Here is an email sent to friend (and composer) Owen... You may have noticed by reading the That this project is by community. Way back in the olden days when the comic was posted on YouTube one of the kids mentioned adding music. I found some duty-free stuff and even worked with one of the kids on a simple hook. But, because of the nature of this project, folks vanish, ideas are dropped and often I find myself holding the bag with no one near to prompt it forward. Last year, maybe due to the pandemic, voices called from out of nowhere and the ORBEGON SAGA returned anew. Music (and animation and even publication) dropped into my in box so I made mention about your talents. Of those involved right now a majority got excited. Those who do not go along with the dimension of music are the same voices who decry animation true blue comic strip folks. (I call them the MARVELous Batman guys lol.) What Im saying, Owen, is: How does one put music to a comic strip that is not exactly a cartoon, not animation but is animated, and although on its face looks like a Star Trek knock-off but, gee wiz, sounds a lot like South Park too? When the topic of music does arise among those who want it there are two schools of thought. 1) (And Im quoting Mark - here) You better start writing some songs and make this an Animated Musical.HehHeh. How's Cathy's singing voice ??? Wow ! Pearl Queen sings Pearl Jam. Ya can't miss In other words a musical. And where my opinion settles in on 2) A theme for the comic. A theme for the O-4 team. A theme for Papa Jo-Dar. A theme for Smudges. A theme for Nonaq and a theme for the Green Pearl Queen. There are other characters up the road; and even more will pop up. I just want to get too far ahead of myself or run out of money. As you probably guessed, no one ever contributes more than their talent, comments and encouragement besides me. So what else is new? But this has never been for profit and has no pretends to be ever. We laid the publication issue to rest few years ago. I always wanted it to be open source and Patrick who owns the copyright flatly rejects it. There you have it, Owen. Its an unusual situation but a long running enjoyable one too. And, as often happens with this project everyone has ideas, now music is atop the list, and no one knows what to do. Thats why I came knocking at your door. Got any ideas? |
Jan. 2022 I posted at Reddit r/comics Because it's getting quiet around here. Patrick seems to have lost interest. Susan has all but vanished, Fred isn't helping with the web anymore. I'm at a loss as to where to take the comic from here. Mark is the only one who emails me, and does so daily. Web Comic Recruits Up front: Theres no money involved with this project. I am (presently) one of the artists, the web master and (presently) manager of a comic strip that began among elementary school kids in 2007. It is a comic created and developed by community. By that I mean kids and adults have their ideas, present them to each other and eventually to me and I put it all together. This has been fun and has slowed down as years pass. Especially as kids age they lose interest (though they return from time to time.) The saga is owned but ownership belongs to all contributors. We have flatly rejected commercial publication. A crossroad &ldots; better said: ANOTHER crossroad .. Has been reached where this artist can no longer draw free hand. There is also a lack of voices working on script development. This last issue may turn on a dime and often does but is completely dried up at the moment. We are seeking anyone who cares to help to help. Writers, HTML, CGI, artists, musicians (we have a world class composer on board presently, but dont let that stop you.. After all Im a recognized artist and Im asking for artists.) Go take a peek at the comic. Got any comments or ideas, write me. Lets talk. Please keep in mind this is no big-deal-earth-shattering-high-grade-Hollywood-show-of-shows production. Its a funny little comic strip created by a few 8 years olds to avoid their homework many years ago. It is to laugh.
The Porch ...scene within BATTLE
View of porch - same as from Might want to do animation for the dialog. Queen: Feefee, I cannot allow the junkyard gate to be open too much longer. The Nonaq will discover it soon.
Fee: It worries me too, my Queen. |