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Because most of the designs are vector interpretations
of copy protected logos, emblems and the like, you can not sell any
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cut the design into any medium for display or for sale of a memorial
while you are an active member at MyDrawingBoard.com. And ONLY while
you are an active member at mydrawingboard.com. And we sugest you
still obtain permission from the origin of the emblem or logo. You
may employ any design for advertising purposes so long as we are
recognized as the source of the design. You are permitted to alter
any design in any fashion and then employ it as your own creation, as
long as said alteration is 40% or more of the design or as US law
permits. You may NOT sell designs outright - rememeber 80% of the
designs in this archive are from outside artists and many hold their
own copyrights. We suggest you tell whomever it is that wants to buy
the design to get a computer and join MyDrawingBoard.com.
Posted designs are copyrighted property. As such you may employ them
only while you are an active member. Missuse, illegal presentation or
resale is punishable by law and we protect the rights of the artists
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seriously, please. We offer a $10,000 reward for information which
leads to the apprehension and conviction of anyone who missuses our
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drawing (therefore $20,000 for 2, $30,000 for 3, etc) will be paid
upon compensation from the convicted.

wingg1a, goldwing, eagle
Thanks to Billl
Ai |

a, atlantic thrashers, hockey, eagle, hockey stick, stick
Thanks to William Desrochers
2D | DXF | GCD | EPS | HPG | PLT |

b, boston bruins
Thanks to William Desrochers
2D | DXF | GCD | EPS | HPG | PLT |

c1, calgary flames, fire
Thanks to William Desrochers
2D | DXF | GCD | EPS | HPG | PLT |

c2, carolina hurricanes, hurricane symbol
Thanks to William Desrochers
2D | DXF | GCD | EPS | HPG | PLT |

c3, colorado avalanche
Thanks to William Desrochers
2D | DXF | GCD | EPS | HPG | PLT |

c4, columbus blue jackets, bug, inssect
Thanks to William Desrochers
2D | DXF | GCD | EPS | HPG | PLT |

d1, dallas stars
Thanks to William Desrochers
2D | DXF | GCD | EPS | HPG | PLT |

d2, detroit red wings, wheel, wing
Thanks to William Desrochers
2D | DXF | GCD | EPS | HPG | PLT |

e, edmonton oilers
Thanks to William Desrochers
2D | DXF | GCD | EPS | HPG | PLT |

f, florida panthers, animal, claws, teeth
Thanks to William Desrochers
2D | DXF | GCD | EPS | HPG | PLT |

L, los angeles kings 2002, crown
Thanks to William Desrochers
2D | DXF | GCD | EPS | HPG | PLT |

m, montreal canadians
Thanks to William Desrochers
2D | DXF | GCD | EPS | HPG | PLT |
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