You just can't find that drawing you need or want or an image
close to what your customer wants would do fine. What to do?
Don't worry.

  1): ONLY STANDARD MEMBERS may employ this service.

2): We may already have what you need. Do a search first. Click here to search our data bases of drawings.

3): Free drawings are not a detail service. We might not return the exact image you desire. We can NOT include lettering.  The WISH LIST  is a free service for when you request a drawing of, let's say, "a sail boat," or some generic thing. But once you say "make it" the Cutty Shark and make it at 12 inches long, you may be disappointed. But, honestly, you'll likely find the Cutty Shark already posted on the Board.

4): At the bottom of this page is a DESIGNER'S AREA. If you request a specific design, from a photo or rub or graphic, there are designers listed below to help you at a charge, depending on the time involved. 

WISH LIST  - Free Service
for Standard Members only

Please also note that we attempt to please you as much as possible, but can not assure anyone that what you request will be what you originally visualized to get.

Send an email with the idea or attached image of the design you wish to have. Tell us the file format you require (Such as DXF, EPS, PLT, etc) and when you would like to have it done. We are not your design studio so expect the finished file(s) within 2 weeks time.

Send email to:



Anyone wanting to help as a designer may
apply - to keep our costs very low. Send email here.

The following for-hire designers are
willing to draw to your specifications 
- also cut stencil.

Josh - Designs,